Therese's Beauty Blog

Beauty. Fashion. Weight Loss. Life.

When Does Fat Acceptance Become Bad For Our Health?

There is a movement of people, mostly women, who are fed up with the super-thin models, the constant media focus on dieting, and the general discrimination and scorn that fat people face everyday of their lives–they are commonly known as the Fat Acceptance Movement. Having been a fat person most of my life, I agree with this movement’s  basic principles. I am tired of being told that I am not beautiful, do not deserve a great career, or stylish clothing simply because I am fat. I also greatly respect the eating disorder (ED) community. As an undiagnosed bulimic (I purged with exercise as a pre-teen), I understand the need to be careful when discussing weight loss with young women to avoid triggering dangerous behaviors. I get it.

But I take issue with those whom I believe walk on entirely too many eggshells when discussing these issues. Back in February, when Michelle Obama announced her Let’s Move! campaign to combat childhood obesity, there was some controversy over some of the comments that she made.  Particularly with her using the word “chubby” to describe her children. A few years back, she had taken her daughters to their pediatrician, who told her that their BMIs (Body Mass Index) were getting high and that she should do something about it. (Some also questioned the First Lady involving her daughters at all.) Momania and The Los Angeles Times have “weighed in” (so to speak), among others. If you watch the video available at this link, the First Lady’s statements sound completely reasonable. Some simple changes to the girls’ diet and activity levels solved the problem. A transcript of her remarks from the official launch of the program are at the end of the LA Times article linked to above.

I firmly believe that we should accept people for who they are and that pestering and shaming a child–particularly a girl–about their weight does far more harm than good. I know this from personal experience. I had a relative in my home who did this to me constantly and I attribute it as one of the causes of my own childhood obesity problem. You cannot shame a person into losing weight. In fact, shaming them usually makes them self conscious and they will withdraw from social situations and activity and wind up gaining even more weight. I fell into deep depressions at times when I was young and then exercised excessively (and dangerously) after binging. My mother tried to keep me active, but I experienced such ridicule for being fat when I played soccer the summer after my big weight gain that my mother was faced with an impossible choice: keep me active, but watch me be miserable and cry everyday as a result of the abuse or take me out of sports, resulting in a thoroughly sedentary summer. She’s a sweet and compassionate lady–she chose the latter.

But I also believe, as I have previously discussed on this blog,  that the obesity problem in our country is getting way out of hand and something needs to be done. Which begs the question: When does “fat acceptance” become bad for our health?

I think fat acceptance is bad for our health when:

We start criticizing Michelle Obama’s very reasonable statements on childhood obesity.

We deny the obvious health problems that are associated with obesity.

We interpret any discussion of weight loss as an attack on a person’s self-esteem that will result in an eating disorder.

We accept the fatigue and disease associated with obesity as a regular part of life, as opposed to something that can be dealt with by a trip to Whole Foods and a DVD player.

Fat acceptance is good for our health when:

We find it repugnant when people refer to a talented Best Supporting Actress Nominee as “an enormous woman the size of a planet“.

We realize that strength, endurance, flexibility, sleep patterns, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, essential nutrient consumption and blood pressure are far better indicators of a person’s health than BMI alone.

We accept that the “ideal weight” is different for everyone.

I started this blog because there were certain things that I refused to accept. I refused to accept the ankle and back pain I suffered as a result of carrying extra weight, how tired I felt because being heavy was making it difficult to sleep and walk long distances, my lack of flexibility, my bad skin that was mostly the result of poor diet…I just got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. And while I use the title “Skinny Therese” in a somewhat tongue and cheek manor, the shrinking of my fat ass has done wonders for my alignment, allowing me to sleep on my back much more comfortably. It will also help me spend less on clothes–plus size clothing is expensive and even when things go on sale, you can rarely find your size if you are a size 14 and up.

After refusing to accept those other things, I realized that the only thing I really needed to accept was ME, not my fat. And as long as I did that, as long as I accepted my body, listened to it, studied it, gave it what it needed and stopped judging it, the rest would take care of itself. But I’ll be damned if I am going to resign myself to my body being this size forever, just because losing weight takes a long time, or is frustrating and difficult. No way. I’ve come too far to quit now.

My advice: Accept YOU, not your fat.

Filed under: Fat Shaming, General Health, Nutrition, Random Observations, Weight Loss

The Top 5 Ways To Know if Your Beauty Routine Sucks

The other day I was watching Jessica Simpson’s new show on VH1, The Price of Beauty. It’s a reality show where Jessica travels all over the world interviewing women about what people in their country consider beautiful and then taking part in the various beauty treatments and traditions that are popular in that country. Her and her two travel companions then discuss how these traditions differ from the Western idea of what makes a women beautiful. In the first episode of the show she traveled to Thailand.  Apparently, the standard of beauty for Thai women is to be as fair-skinned as possible (this definitely sounds familiar).  Women go to great lengths to lighten their skin, even going so far as to use skin bleaching creams that contain dangerous chemicals. Jessica spoke with a woman who had used one of these harsh creams. This women went out into the sun one day and the sunlight caused a chemical reaction to occur which burned most of the skin on her face. Her skin is so hideously burnt and damaged that she refuses to go out in public. This is a cautionary tale of a quest for beauty gone terribly wrong. And now, The Brazen Beauty Presents: The Top 5 Ways To Know if Your Beauty Routine Sucks:

#5. It’s really expensive. I’m going to be honest here. I have spent way too much money on beauty products in the past. Use the same rules you use for buying other things when buying makeup, hair and skincare products. Buy what’s effective and inexpensive. You’re a smart girl. You should know by now that just because something is more expensive does not mean that it is more effective.

#4. It takes too much time. Your time is valuable. You have a job, a spouse or partner, friends, kids, hobbies…Here is the rule: Unless you are going to the Academy Awards or getting married, it should not take you more than one hour to get ready to leave the house in the morning. You have a life. Don’t spend it all in front of a mirror.

#3. It has too many moving parts. Everything you need to make yourself presentable for the outside world on a daily basis should fit in a medicine cabinet or a small bag. This includes any cleansers, moisturizers, make-up and haircare products and all brushes. I admit, I’m still working on this one. You have to let go of things you don’t need. It’s difficult when you’ve spent so much money on stuff (see above) or it is a product that was recommended by a family member or a good friend, but that’s no excuse. Go through your bathroom cabinets and ditch the crap you don’t need. Simplicity is key.

#2. It’s a carbon copy of someone else’s routine. Usually your mother’s. For most women, the first person who teaches them how to apply make-up and style their hair is their mother. Studies show that women usually stick with whatever make-up and hair routine they used when they first began using make-up and haircare products. If you are in your 20s or 30s, your mother first started using make-up sometime between 1965 and 1975. That was like 9 Presidents ago. We’re talking bubble flips and Aquanet, ladies. This is fine is you want to look like the wife of an astronaut from Apollo 13, but I’m guessing that you don’t.

And the #1 one way to know if your beauty routine sucks…

If the products you use are so caustic and irritating that they cause your hair or skin to literally burn off when you are exposed to sunlight!

‘Nuff said.

Filed under: Eye Make-up, Face Basics, Hair Care, Lips, Random Thoughts, Skin Care

Therese’s Favorite Fitness Bodies!

I am partial to fitness models, rather than the regular, run of the mill fashion models—they tend to be too thin. When I dream of the body that I would like to have, this is what I think of. Thoughts?

Filed under: Fitness, Random Observations

"For Those Who Think Young"

I don’t know about you, but I am a big fan of the television show Mad Men. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it’s about Madison Avenue advertising executives in the early 1960s. The show completed its third season on AMC last year.

This is Britney Spears in a 2002 Pepsi commercial that revived the "For those who think young" slogan. Notice how they did an early 60s throwback to the original campaign.

The first episode of the second season contains a conversation between the main character, the agency’s creative director Don Draper, and one of the partners, Roger Sterling. They are discussing the possibility of hiring some fresh, new talent to work on their campaigns. Roger informs Don that the clients are beginning to demand younger copywriters and artists to work on their accounts, thinking that a younger perspective will be good for business. This was the time in advertising history when Madison Avenue really began to recognize the profit possibilities of the 18-24 demographic. With a young President in the White House and an energized generation of kids, this seemed to be the way things were going and the clients wanted in on it. One client in particular, a coffee company, had bemoaned the fact that their research had told them that no one under 25 drinks coffee anymore—they drink Pepsi, who in 1961 adopted the following slogan: “Now it’s Pepsi for Those Who Think Young.” Note: When our current hip, young president was elected, Pepsi, true to form, had a spanking new slogan ready to go within days of the election: “RefreshEverything.”

Don Draper doesn’t buy the argument. He says: “Clients don’t understand. Their success is related to standing out, not fitting in—it’s a fad.” Roger responds: “Isn’t it possible that the recently weened have some unique perspective? Joy. Enthusiasm.” Don then hits the audience with this line: “You’re talking as if they’re some fresh version of us. They’re not.”

What does this have to do with beauty? I’ll tell you. Advertisers constantly market anti-aging products to women. They try to convince us that we need to look young forever; specifically, that we need to look exactly like the current crop of young women. Otherwise one of them will take our job or our husband. The assumption is that there is some fresh younger version of you out there somewhere waiting to step into your life and take over. There isn’t. Yes, Avon also sells anti-aging products–and I use them myself. But not under the guise of “staying young”. I resent the argument that I need to use certain products or buy certain clothes to stay young. I already feel young. I’m healthy and active and as long as I remain so, I will always feel young. I need certain products because as I get older, my skin changes, therefore my needs change. Also as I enter different phases of my life, my tastes change. You’ve seen those women who try to look, dress and act like their daughters (ahem, Dina Lohan). Do you envy them? Do they look any happier than you? I don’t think so. In fact, if you look around you will notice that these women have become objects of ridicule. There is no one else like you. Instead of trying to be young forever, try being the best version of you. Realize that there is no one else in the world like you.

You can “refresh” your hair, your make-up, or your clothes, but no one can ever “refresh” you. You are perfect. Take Don Draper’s advice. Worry about standing out, not fitting in.

P.S. But if “young” is what you’re into, we’ve got you covered. Follow this link.

Filed under: Random Thoughts

Insanity Day 15: Fit Test #2

After 2 weeks of Insanity, I re-took the initial Fit Test this morning.

My “new” results are in bold below:

switch kicks:  70; 100

power jacks:  36; 52

power knees:  73; 91

power jumps:  23; 27

globe jumps:  7; 9

suicide jumps:   6; 9

push-up jacks:   12; 15

low plank obliques:   43; 69

The fitness gains are pretty good. I would have liked to see some weight loss (I am still at the exact weight that I started : 199), but I will take the fitness victories for now. The fit test was just as difficult as it was the first time. It seems that no matter how far you go in this workout, you have to keep working just as hard, but after a short while, you realize that you have done 30 more of “whatever” than you did only a few days/weeks ago.

I’m happy with my progress so far.

Filed under: Fitness, Weight Loss

I Don't Need Positive Affirmations From A Tampon

My new workout, Insanity from Beachbody, involves a great deal of jumping, running in place, and plyometric squats–it’s a lot like a pre-season sports workout (maybe the Cubs ought to do it; it might make Derek Lee a lot less lazy!). My female readers are aware that if a girl is going to take part in certain fitness routines and sports, tampons are a necessity.

Confession: I have not purchased tampons since 1997–my last season of NCAA Softball. Due to the advanced technology and design of the other options available–and my generally sedentary lifestyle over the past few years–they seemed unnecessary. So the other day I walked over to my local CVS at the corner of Clark & Division to procure a box. I wound up choosing the Playtex Sport brand. Packaged in a pink and green box, this product claims to be designed “for active lifestyles.” Cool, just what I need. There are images on the box of women playing tennis, jogging, and dancing, as if to say “The All American Woman uses this tampon! You could be that woman! You’ve Come a Long Way Baby! You’re Gonna Make It After All!” OK, whatever, I get it, advertising people. I don’t need to be convinced. The things just need to work

When I brought them home and opened the box I found something….ridiculous and downright hysterical! The tampons were packaged in plastic, of course, although an oddly textured pink and green plastic. But that wasn’t the weird part. On each wrapper was written two or three…I guess you would call them “mantras.” And all the mantras were different. They included:

“You’re a take-charge kind of girl!” (Because I bought a box of tampons?)

“Celebrate a bold attitude.” (OK, what does this have to do with tampons?)

“Reach for the finish line!” (Ah, the sports theme. Got it.)

“No distractions…just pure concentration!” (Contrary to popular belief, women can menstruate and chew gum at the same time.)

“The score doesn’t tell the whole story!” (Sports again.)

“Live fearlessly!” (Yeah, because I’ve got these really cool tampons! Sweet!)

“Go play, I’ve got your back.” (This one is obvious.)

“Go Team!” (The whole team bought the same tampons?)

I get what they are trying to do, but to the marketing geniuses over at Playtex: I don’t need positive affirmations from a tampon. Seriously, bro, this was a waste of the valuable time of some junior copywriter at an advertising agency. In the time you spent thinking up this one you could have thought up more of those annoying Axe commercials or a clever new Absolut ad. I set my own fitness goals, thank you very much. And I am inspired by…you know…actual people. Athletes like Dara Torres, Picabo Street, Venus and Serena Williams, Mia Hamm, Florence Griffin-Joyner…these are the people that inspire me.

Do me a favor–just wrap the damn tampons in the plain ol’ regular plastic and leave the inspiration to real people, not inanimate objects.

Filed under: Exercise, Random Observations

Generosity is Beautiful: LensCrafters Edition

I don’t really believe in angels, but I do believe in extraordinary people. I met one such person yesterday.

I went down to Michigan Avenue and Lake Street for an eye exam at LensCrafters. The technician who collected my information and gave me the preliminary eye tests noticed that I seemed a bit stressed. She asked me what was wrong. I explained that I had spent a week or so trying to navigate the complicated world of SEO (search engine optimization), trying to figure out how to build a beautiful website that people would see while searching on Google, how to keep my blogs looking professional and updated with interesting posts, etc….I also expressed my frustration with trying to raise money for a charitable cause during a recession. I explained that I would be participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer here in Chicago this summer and had so far raised no money. She stared at me in wonder and then explained that she had a friend who had died of breast cancer and three other friends who were survivors. Only then did I notice the pink ribbon pin that she wore on her lapel. After my examination was complete and she had processed my contact lens order and payment, she gave me $20 in cash on the spot, trusting me to donate it to the Avon Foundation on her behalf. I submitted that donation this afternoon.

That woman’s name was Debbie. On behalf of myself, the Avon Foundation and women who have either passed away or survived and thrived after their fight with breast cancer, I would like to say: Thank you, Debbie.

Generosity is Beautiful.

Filed under: Avon, Random Thoughts

This Just In: Fast Food Will Kill You

You gotta love the government. They do their best.

The new healthcare reform legislation signed by the President yesterday includes a provision that requires restaurants to post the calorie counts of the food on their menus.  The law applies only to restaurants with 20 or more locations. Clearly this legislation is aimed at the fast food industry (and other family chain restaurants). I could not help but laugh when the AP News Article noted that the purpose of the new law was to “make sure that customers process the calorie information as they are ordering.” Translation: to make sure that people are aware that the cheap, processed, chemicalized food-like substances they are about to shovel down their gullet are bad for them. Well….Duh.

Is there anyone alive in America today who does not know that fast food is bad for you? If you find someone, let me know…After all, it was fast food that took me from 210 pounds to 238 pounds over a three month period back in 2008.

Apparently policy makers think that if they just educated people more about food then they would magically start eating better and everything would be fine! The Jews and the Palestinians would be at peace, global warming would be taken care of and we’d all join hands and sing Kumbaya! It doesn’t work that way, folks.

The food they sell at McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Taco Bell is not intended to be healthy, it’s intended to make you feel good while you are consuming it and keep you coming back for more—just like nicotine and blow. The fast food industry has essentially the same business model as the tobacco industry. They have a dangerous and addictive product they advertise aggressively (especially to children) that consumers enjoy by the millions. Meanwhile they spend millions of dollars in research and development trying to figure out ways to make the product even more addictive while pretending to be concerned about their customers health.

The federal government is not innocent in this department. They don’t really care about your health either because members of Congress receive obscene campaign donations from the food industry, so they allow them to keep poisoning Americans…but it’s getting real now. We’ve got diabetic toddlers with sleep apnea and 25 year olds with high blood pressure who can’t climb a flight of stairs. So they have to do something. Correction: they have to make it look like they are doing something.

The cover story in the current issue of Newsweek is about Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative to fight childhood obesity. I am sure the program will “raise awareness.” Yes, it will try to assist parents in making healthier choices for their kids. I think the First Lady’s intentions are good and that she is genuine in her concern for the health of America’s children. You can have all the “initiatives” you want, but at the end of the day it comes down to this simple truth: you have to stop eating at these restaurants. Unless the First Lady stands behind a podium (with her gorgeous, shiny hair and awesomely fit arms) and says “Stop eating fast food”, this program will have zero net effect. We all know that she will never say that because the food lobby in Washington is far too powerful.

Even the so-called “healthy options” at fast food restaurants are not healthy at all. Yes, these options may be lower in calories, but they are still so chemical-laden that they cause just as much damage to your system in the long run. Consumption of unnatural chemicals and toxins over a period of time contributes to weight gain. Furthermore, merely eating less of the chemically-laden food instead of none at all will prove quite difficult—it’s damn near impossible. Eating this food on a regular basis puts your body into what is called nutritional famine. The food is so devoid of essential nutrients that it will only make you hungrier in order to compensate for the vitamins and minerals you are not getting. In the long run you will end up consuming more calories overall because your body is not getting what it needs from the food that you are eating. You will be hungry ALL THE TIME!!! Yeah, try dieting when you feel like that.

The solution: STOP.

Stop eating food that barely resembles food. Load up on all the healthy organic, chemical-free food you can find. Yeah, it’s expensive….but so is a quadruple bypass.

Eat high quality food–fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts and seeds, even chocolate and ice cream if you want (my faves are organic dark chocolate covered almonds and coconut milk ice cream). Eat as much as you want. Over time you will notice something amazing: you won’t want as much.

Filed under: Nutrition

No Time for Constant Blogging

I will not be blogging daily about Insanity anymore. It takes up too much of my morning and I have other blogs, two jobs and you know, eating and sleeping to tend to. I will however provide updates when I hit milestones–probably the next time I take the fit test. But fear not, I will continue to blog on other topics…

Filed under: Exercise, Fitness, Weight Loss

Scents and "Cents"ability

I received samples of Avon’s new fragrance, Eternal Magic, and have been trying it out over the past week. In general, I struggle with fragrances. First, I am very picky about scents, as I am allergic to most perfumes and colognes. I have been in elevators with people who were a bit heavy-handed with the perfume and cologne and about 10 seconds into the elevator ride, my eyes water and I begin to sneeze. Sometimes it gets to a point where I have to hold my breath for the entire elevator ride. Second, fragrances rarely smell like they do in the store once I put them on. Many people are unaware that their body chemistry affects how different scents react on the skin. Anything that normally affects the smell of your skin–stress, hormonal changes, diet or medications–will affect what the perfume smells like on you. My guess is that if you eat a clean diet, are not on any medications that alter your hormone levels too much and are managing your stress well, then your chosen scent may smell more like it smells in the store once you put it on. This, of course, is just a guess, but since I am healthier now than I have been in past years, this problem may already be solved for me.

My other issue with fragrances is that most of them are so expensive:

Chanel No.5 eau de toilette spray 1.2 oz. : $50

Dior J’adore eau de parfum spray, 1.7 oz.: $75    (Yikes!)

Elizabeth Arden Red Door, eau de toilette spray 1.7 oz. : $45

Estee Lauder Beautiful, eau de parfum spray 1 oz. :$48

Ralph Lauren Romance, eau de parfum 1.7 oz. : $62

Avon Eternal Magic eau de toilette spray, 1.7 oz. : $24.

Sold. And I do not appear to be allergic to it. This may be the beginning of a change of heart about fragrances…

Filed under: Avon, Fragrance